OpenAL Installation

Checking for OpenAL

First we check if there is already an openal version installed.

$ rpm -qa | grep -i openal

In case you find an installed version uninstall it. Remove first the openal-devel package and then openal (you need to be root):

# rpm -e openal-devel
# rpm -e openal

There is a certain danger in removing OpenAL, because it is a shared library. If the package management system refuses to remove it, try to stick with the installed version, perhaps TORCS will compile with it (but you will expirience some sound glitches with that).

Download and Unpack OpenAL

Download OpenAL from here. TORCS has been tested against this version, for other versions we guarantee for nothing! Stay as root and do

# cd /usr/src/torcs
# tar xfvj /path_to_downloaded_files/torcs-1.2.4-openal.tar.bz2
# cd openal/linux

Compiling and Installing OpenAL

You are still root and in /usr/src/torcs/openal/linux:

# ./configure
# make
# make install

If something fails you need to resolve it. In case the configure script complained about something you can find some additional information in the file config.log. The cause for problems are usually missing header files or libraries, wrong versions or multiple versions installed.